Apparently my book, The Memory Tree, is in the National War Memorial in Canberra. For those who haven't read it, one of the major characters is a Vietnam veteran. Anyway, I feel honoured that it's there.
At 2.21 today I sent off my final proofread for ‘Mercy Street.’ It’s a bit like sending your baby off to school. Will the other kids like her? Will the teacher see how precious she is? Next time I see my book, it will be nestled between the beautifully designed covers. The rest is up to the readers.
On Tuesday I was ‘in conversation with’ Drusilla Modjeska at the Eltham bookshop. We were discussing her new memoir ‘Second Half First.’ It was wonderful to be given the opportunity to ask her some of the questions that arose from reading her wonderful book and she offered generous and thoughtful responses. Sadly, I couldn’t ask all my questions. There simply wasn’t enough time. She did speak about her involvement in a very worthy literacy program in New Guinea and for those interested, the website is